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Lense Shift

Table of contents

  1. Canvas subdivision for non parallel projections
    1. Subdivision by half
    2. Subdivision by quarters
    3. Ninth part subdivision
    4. Sixteenth part subdivision

Canvas subdivision for non parallel projections

Take a canvas with the following properties: WxH with a fov defined as F

Example: 960x540 (16/9) @ 70 FoV

Subdivision by half

To calculate the required lense shift values to render two smaller canvases (side-by-side) with a [W/2 x H] = [w x h] size, given it’s relation to canvas height, only the ratio between the w & h of the sub-canvas is required to be calulated

x = +/- 1/2 * w/h

No FoV change required.

This gives us the following two lense shift combinations:

Examples at 480x540 @ 70 FoV

[-0.5w/h,0] [0.5w/h,0]

E.G. For the provided subdivisions the offsets would be [+-0.444444444,0].

Subdivision by quarters

To calculate the required lense shift values to render four smaller canvases with a [W/2 x H/2] = [w x h] size with a F/2 = f FoV, given it’s relation to canvas height, only the ratio between the w & h of the sub-canvas is required to be calulated:

x = +/- 1/2 * w/h


y = +/- 1/2

This gives us the following lense shift combinations:

Examples at 480x270 @ 35 FoV

[-0.5w/h,+1/2] [0.5w/h,+1/2]
[-0.5w/h,-1/2] [0.5w/h,-1/2]

E.G. For the provided subdivisions the offsets would be [+-0.888888889, +-0.5].

Ninth part subdivision

To calculate the required lense shift values to render nine smaller canvases with a [W/3 x H/3] = [w x h] size with a F/3? = f FoV, given it’s relation to canvas height, only the ratio between the w & h of the sub-canvas is required to be calulated:


Sixteenth part subdivision

To calculate the required lense shift values to render sixteen smaller canvases with a [W/4 x H/4] = [w x h] size with a F/4? = f FoV, given it’s relation to canvas height, only the ratio between the w & h of the sub-canvas is required to be calulated: